Thanks to Audit Management System is the joint Working Process for Audit with Clients possible
PwC is the leading audit and advisory firm in Switzerland. With almost 3'000 employees at 14 locations, PwC supports its clients in the areas of auditing, tax consulting and management consulting.
Initial Situation
Due to the growing demands on the technically simple and very limited legacy system, it was decided to rely on a new xRM solution. This was to offer a long-term, secure, high-quality solution that would also allow significant extensions. This could, for example, take the form of a second, purely internal bank audit for PwC‘s clients as an extended service. The various stakeholders are to be supported along a clearly defined process and automated workflows as well as clear roles and authorizations in the processing of audit findings. In addition, manual steps that have become necessary due to new regulatory requirements are to be fully automated.
Firmenübergreifende Arbeitsabläufe können sehr kompliziert in der Handhabung sein. Ein Audit Management System (AMS) ermöglicht es PwC und ihren Kunden die gemeinsamen Auditprozesse in einem Tool zusammenzufassen. Von der Vorbereitung, den eigentlichen Findings im Audit, über das Approval der Bankleiter bis hin zur Behebung der Findings und deren Abschluss – der ganze Prozess wird durch das Tool unterstützt. Ein komplexes Berechtigungssystem stellt sicher, dass jeder nur sieht, was er zu sehen wünscht und braucht. Die notwendigen Stammdaten mit den Nutzern und Bankinformationen werden durch PwC in einer einfach anzupassenden Tabelle zusammengestellt und über eine Scribe Schnittstelle in das System eingelesen. Schliesslich ermöglichen Reports ein effizientes Controlling der Arbeiten.
- The AMS application makes truly efficient collaboration between the auditor PwC, the client‘s internal auditors and the banks possible in the first place.
- For the employees, the management in the tool with clear tasks and responsibilities brings clarity and efficiency.
- Reporting enables an overview of the tasks still to be completed and target-oriented planning of resources for management. Through the guidance in the tool and automation of time-consuming, manual steps, efficiency can be significantly increased.