Microsoft Viva & Employee Experience

Microsoft Viva

Microsoft Viva can make your Employees happier and more productive

Improving the customer experience is a top priority for Swiss companies. One of the most important drivers of this is the experience of employees in the company – the employee experience. Knowledgeable employees and managers have a direct and indirect impact on customer experience. Digitalization offers many opportunities to proactively and positively shape the employee experience.

Microsoft Viva is an employee experience platform that integrates knowledge, learning, wellbeing and personal goal achievement into the workflow and connects them in one place. Want to find out more? Microsoft Viva can transform your employee experience! How? Take a look at our white paper.

Employee Experience Whitepaper

Employee Experience

Was ist Employee Experience?

Frau in Sitzungszimmer schaut nach vorne, rechts unscharf lachender Mann

Employee Experience (EX) refers to the overall experience that employees have in a company. It encompasses all interactions, impressions and emotions that an employee experiences in an organization. A positive Employee Experience promotes employee retention, employee satisfaction and productivity. To create a supportive work environment, a company must consider the expectations of its employees, pay attention to the culture within the company, provide a modern workplace and, of course, provide supportive technology. When a company focuses on a positive employee experience, it invests in stronger employee retention, increased satisfaction, and improved performance and competitiveness. Studies show that investing in the employee experience has a very significant positive impact on a company's profitability, in addition to improving culture and employee satisfaction.

Simplify your Employees’ daily Lives with Microsoft Viva

Overview and introduction to the Microsoft Viva components
Overview and introduction to the Microsoft Viva components

Microsoft Viva is the platform for successful employee development and satisfaction and for reducing employee workload. Our experts can show you the wide range of options on offer. We will assist you with the introduction of Viva components that best suit your needs:

  • Viva Connections (Intranet / Yammer)

  • Viva Engage (community and entertainment)

  • Viva Amplify (team communication)

  • Viva Pulse (insights and trends)

  • Viva Glint (survey and feedback)

  • Viva Learning (learning management)

  • Viva Goals (goals and results)

For more in-depth information about Microsoft Viva and its components, see the white paper.

Microsoft Viva Whitepaper

higher productivity with inspiring companies
of employees, well-being is more important than before the pandemic
more often on the list of the best employers
We support you
From cultural Change to technological Implementation - we support you.

Success Stories

We have helped these Customers to improve the Future of their Employees

Collaboration with Change Management strengthened: LGT relies on Microsoft 365 and Copilot

Thanks to the implementation of Microsoft 365 and a stringent change management process, LGT is benefiting from increased efficiency and improved collaboration for over 5,000 employees. The seamless integration of the tools into everyday working life and the successful pilot phase with Microsoft 365 Copilot illustrate the added value.

From Migration to long-term Partner: SBB on the Path to Digitalization with isolutions

In addition to the introduction of public cloud services, the long-standing partnership between isolutions and SBB has contributed to the acceptance of modern technologies among employees. As a result, innovations can be driven forward and services from the Power Platform can be used profitably.

The training portal successfully supported the introduction of Microsoft 365

In order to successfully introduce Microsoft 365 at Bell Food Group, isolutions created a training program that enables employees to quickly and easily use the programs.

Lower Licenses Costs with Microsoft Teams Telephony

Due to the new IT communication strategy 2022-2026, the use of Cisco was switched to Microsoft Teams. This makes collaboration more efficient and saves licensing costs.

With the Introduction of M365 to the Company Culture Booster

In order to standardize the heterogeneously used work tools and improve collaboration, the Securitas Group opted for a cloud-based solution and the introduction of Microsoft 365.

Digital Identity, M365 Toolkit and better enterprise-wide Communications

75% of employees did not have access to collaboration tools. To improve collaboration, Migros chose Microsoft Teams, Yammer and a new intranet based on SharePoint Online.

Future Workplace with M365 Suite rolled out to 6'500 Employees

Finding, editing and saving documents was cumbersome at the AMAG Group and the IT was heterogeneous with different solutions. To increase and improve collaboration, it therefore decided to introduce Microsoft 365.

Successful Introduction of the digital Workplace thanks to User Adoption for 1'200 Employees

The cloud migration enables KIBAG to introduce a digital workplace and a modern collaboration platform to improve collaboration internally and with external parties.

Despite strong Regulations with Flex-Client to modern Workplace and Innovation Drive

Companies that are in a highly regulated area of activity often have to deal with more hurdles for modern collaboration. Nevertheless, the need to be able to work flexibly with external partners is also increasing in these companies, for example in the financial sector.

Change Management leads to mutual Understanding and increased Productivity among 25'000 Employees

isolutions implemented for SBB an adoption and change management program. More than 25'000 users were migrated to Office 365. The usage of the new platform could be increased by 200%.

Over 30'000 Users migrated to new digital Workplace and saved Costs in the Process

SBB migrated over 30'000 users to the new digital workplace. The employees now use Microsoft Office. In addition, more than 120 people from top management were trained in the use of new technologies.

With Change Management 20'000 Employees migrated to M365 in a short Time for increased Efficiency

Sika needed to digitize its workplace quickly because its existing cloud solution was being discontinued. Thus, a functioning solution had to be found quickly, which also had to be guaranteed for 12 languages.

Roll-out of M365 simplifies Collaboration internally and with all Partners

For the roll-out of Microsoft 365, isolutions is one of the main partners in this transformation and has supported Migros in the Microsoft 365 roll-out as well as in the area of user adoption and change management.

Intranet with clear Navigation and improved Search increases Efficiency and saves Time

The employees of Luzerner Kantonalbank now use a streamlined intranet, which provides genuine added value in the bank’s day-to-day business thanks to its clear navigation and functional search tool.

Modern Collaboration Environment from the Cloud with Microsoft 365 and Azure

Since the current infrastructure was unsatisfactory, the company switched to the Microsoft Azue Cloud. To further improve collaboration, Microsoft 365 was also introduced with a focus on SharePoint and Teams.

The entire IT from a single source

TESTEX has chosen the forward-looking and infinitely scalable Microsoft technology platform and isolutions as its strategic IT partner.

New QMS simplifies processes and improves internal and external collaboration

Increased efficiency and simplification of process-oriented Collaboration with intuitive QMS module.

More efficient Data Exchange thanks to new Document Management on SharePoint

The cloud migration enables KIBAG to introduce a digital workplace and a modern collaboration platform to improve collaboration internally and with external parties.