isolutions SnowBootCamp 2021
This year's SnowBootCamp (SBC) took place in a slightly different setting due to the current situation - this year with less snow and more home. To be able to offer us an unforgettable event, not only a fabulous 1.5 tons of technical streaming material was necessary, but also a lot of heart and soul of our SBC team.
At 8.30 a.m., the time had come: All employees spread across Switzerland to Barcelona were equipped with a snack box from isolutions and ready to boost 2021. Our CEO Benjamin Regez started with a lot of passion, power and an inspiring welcome speech live from the Circle office, directly into our homes.
SnowBootCamp 2021
Unrecognizable, our office in the Circle was transformed into a gigantic streaming studio and we were led through the morning with professional live streaming sessions in a very varied and entertaining way. The event was accompanied by great activities during the breaks, such as the live cupcake challenge, during which our office was transformed into a cooking studio and even the children at home were busy decorating. According to the motto: think and be agile, so you are prepared for all eventualities.
Our isolutions management led through various topics such as the journey of our spin-off ahead with Pascal Grossniklaus, an exciting deep dive of our vision 2025 with the strategic focus in the coming years up to the inspiring as well as interesting live interview with BOBST, one of more than 300 isolutions customers.
What an unforgettable SnowBootCamp, which we were able to enjoy together in our home office thanks to the tireless efforts of our SBC organization team via top live streaming and a lot of passion from our management. Even though we missed celebrating together, the first, «HomeBootCamp» went down in the history of isolutions and we are thankful that we were able to hold our annual kickoff remotely in such a diversified and inspiring way.