isolutions annual Kick-off 2023
Let's kick it off!
In the first week of January, the entire isolutions crew comes together and we start the new year with our annual kick-off. In plenary we talk about the highlights of the last year and then focus on the new year. Together we gather inspiration, exchange ideas and empower each other.
isolutions annual kick-off 2023
CEO Speech by Josua Regez
Keynote Marc Weber
Keynote Marc Weber, CEO VZ Depotbank
Business Speed Datings
Business Speed Datings
Our isolutions Heros
Our isolutions Heros
During the break, there is a lively exchange between the employees. The questions, «Which sessions did you attend?» followed by «And what was your takeaway?» are several times asked in the halls of the Convention Center. And the next highlight follows. The announcement of our isolutions Heros. Every year, the isolutions crew has the opportunity to choose two people who have made special achievements this year. Be it that one person has been particularly involved in a project or has supported the crew tirelessly in all matters. As surprisingly there is a live broadcast from Barcelona, it is clear that one Hero comes from our Barcelona Crew and so it is. Visibly touched, Karolin Kerth, accounting specialist, steps in front of the camera. Karolin is greeted and celebrated loudly. Karolin is joined by Dennis Kraus, System Architect. He, too, accepts the isolutions Hero Award with gratitude and well deserved. And once again: Congratulations to both of you! You have more than earned this title and we appreciate your commitment enormously.
The isolutions Heros
After the last part in the plenum and a little refreshment at noon, we find ourselves in the afternoon in our respective teams. The program looks very different. From retro perspectives to workshops and teamwork. But one theme is common to all teams: through mutual empowerment, we want to achieve more together and offer our customers sustainable added value. After just under three hours, we move on one stop. Everyone gathers at the Iris Bar at The Circle. Together we toast the new year and bring the 2023 annual kickoff to a close.