AI and Cybersecurity - Armored Crackers, Security and Risk

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15. March 2023 @ 16.00 -  18.00

Christoph König

Teil-Business Unit Lead T-BU Data


Ralf Gomeringer

Technical Specialist Security & Compliance

Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence - is it a security potential or rather a risk? In the webinar we will discuss the possibilities of AI like ChatGPT and offer you the opportunity to discuss AI and cybersecurity in breakout sessions. 

Yes, AI brings opportunity and risk in cybersecurity. But which ones? 

AI certainly has the potential to revolutionize the field of cybersecurity. By improving the speed and accuracy of threat detection, shortening response times and increasing overall security, AI can help organizations better protect themselves from cyber threats. That's because the tank crackers use AI tools like ChatGPT as well. In the webinar, we'll show you how to leverage these potentials into opportunities and avoid risks. 

Furthermore, in the webinar we will highlight the challenges - also the so-called «dark sides» - of ChatGPT and similar tools. We will explain how NLP Language Models (GPT) actually work and show you some tips and tricks to use Dalle-E, ChatGPT and Co. better and safer.

Interested? Then register now. 

04.00 pm Welcome
04.05 pm Icebreaker | isolutions
04.15 pm ChatGPT: Tips and Tricks
04.40 pm AI at Microsoft
05.05 pm ChatGPT and Cybersecurity
05.20 pm Breakout Sessions
06.00 pm End


Wednesday, 15.03.2023



04.00 - 06.00 pm



Webinar via Microsoft Teams 




Sign up now.